- Attack hero = Troops are trained quicker, so if u have a 200 attack hero, put it on Mayor before ordering troops! will be quicker.
- Politic hero = Buildings upgrade quick with this and also Wall things (Trap, Archer Tower etc). This is the hero that is always Mayor (unless ordering troops for 5 minute or STARTING researches).
- Intel hero = quick research.
- Loyal of hero = If you fight very often with same hero, it will drop down everytime.
- Solution: Reward it with Gold every 15 minutes to bring it to 100.
- Warning: Loyalty goes down itself without any warning, if it goes below 5, it can delete itself. Say bye-bye to your hero. or Loyal it up quickly (Reward it gold... yes they are greedy -.-).
Evony Hero persuading, Title required:
- 1-9 = Civilian
- 10-19 = Knight
- 20-29 = Baronet
- 30-39 = Baron
- 40-49 = Viscount
- 50-59 = Earl
- 60-69 = Marquis
- 70-79 = Duke
- 80-89 = Furtisin
- 90-99 = Prinzessin
Lvl Low | Lvl High | No. of | Medals |
1 | 50 | - | - |
51 | 60 | 1 | Cross |
61 | 70 | 2 | Rose |
71 | 80 | 3 | Lion |
81 | 90 | 4 | Honor |
91 | 100 | 5 | Courage |
101 | 110 | 6 | Wisdom |
111 | 120 | 7 | Freedom |
121 | 130 | 8 | Justice |
131 | ... | ... | Nation |
All levels from 131 and up require nation medals, and they increase by 1 medal per 10 levels. The simpler formula then becomes ((HeroLevelRoundUpNearest10) /10 (levels per increment)) - 5 (ie. the base levels)
Hero Level 165 requires = (170/10)-5 =12 Nation Medals (or simply remove one zero, minus 5 haha)
Hero Level 183 requires = (190/10)-5 =14 Nation Medals
Hero Level 218 requires = (220/10)-5 =17 Nation medals
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