Evony: Medal farming with Archers

Cross Medals:
  1. Attack any level 1 valley with 50 archers.
  2. Attack any level 2 valley with 100 archers.

Rose Medals:
  1. Attack any level 3 valley with 200 archers.
  2. Attack (lv1-3 valleys) with 10,000 scouts continuously. Attack + Own the Valley+ Abandon the valley (it will refill within seconds after you abandon)
  3. Attack any level 2 valley with 100 archers.
  4. Attack any level 1 valley with 50 archers.
  5. Attack any level 4 valley with 400 archers.
  6. Attack any level 1 NPC with 50 ballistae.

Lion Medals:
  1. Attack any level 3 NPC with 150-300 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
  2. Attack any level 4 valley with 400 archers.
  3. Attack any level 3 valley with 200 archers.
  4. Attack any level 2 NPC with 125-200 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
  5. Attack any level 5 valley with 750 archers.

Honor Medals:
  1. Attack any level 4 NPC with 250-400 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
  2. Attack any level 3 NPC with 250-300 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
  3. Attack any level 6 valley with at least 1,500 archers.
  4. Attack any level 5 valley with at least 750 archers.
  5. Attack any level 2 NPC with 125-200 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).

Courage Medals:
  1. Attack any level 5 NPC with 400-500 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
  2. Attack any level 4 NPC with 300-400 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
  3. Attack any level 7 valley with at least 3,000 archers.
  4. Attack any level 6 valley with at least 1,500 archers.
  5. Attack any level 3 NPC with 250-300 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).

Wisdom Medals:
  1. Attack any level 5 NPC with 400-500 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level)
  2. Attack any level 7 valley with at least 3,000 archers.
  3. Attack any level 8 valley with at least 7,500 archers.
  4. Attack any level 6 valley with at least 1,500 archers.

Freedom Medals:
  1. Attack any level 5 NPC with 400-500 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
  2. Attack any level 8 valley with at least 7,500 archers.
  3. Attack any level 7 valley with at least 3,000 archers.

Nation Medals:
  • Attack any level 10 NPC with eh (Evony: Guide to taking a NPC 10) Big wave to clear the defenses.
  • Send secondary waves consisting of 1,000 warrior 100 scout 100 pike 100 sword 40k archers SIX MINUTES apart.
  • The key to getting the medals to drop is to allow the warriors to partially re-generate. (If you send your waves at 6 minutes apart, the city will re-generate 40k warriors. )
  • If you have a lvl 10 close enough, you will never need to clear defenses again. Just keep sending secondary waves on a loop, 6 minutes apart.

Justice Medals:
  • Attack any level 10 NPC with eh (Evony: Guide to taking a NPC 10) Big wave to clear the defenses.
  • Send secondary waves consisting of 1,000 warrior 100 scout 100 pike 100 sword 40k archers SIX MINUTES apart.
  • The key to getting the medals to drop is to allow the warriors to partially re-generate. (If you send your waves at 6 minutes apart, the city willre-generate 40k warriors. )
  • If you have a lvl 10 close enough, you will never need to clear defenses again. Just keep sending secondary waves on a loop, 6 minutes apart.
  • (May try sending in 12 minutes loop if 6 minutes doesn't work, but that will have 80k warriors regenerated, so need to send bigger attack)