Evony: Guide to Heros


  • Attack hero = Troops are trained quicker, so if u have a 200 attack hero, put it on Mayor before ordering troops! will be quicker.
  • Politic hero = Buildings upgrade quick with this and also Wall things (Trap, Archer Tower etc). This is the hero that is always Mayor (unless ordering troops for 5 minute or STARTING researches).
  • Intel hero = quick research.
  • Loyal of hero = If you fight very often with same hero, it will drop down everytime.
  • Solution: Reward it with Gold every 15 minutes to bring it to 100.
  • Warning: Loyalty goes down itself without any warning, if it goes below 5, it can delete itself. Say bye-bye to your hero. or Loyal it up quickly (Reward it gold... yes they are greedy -.-).

Evony Hero persuading, Title required:

  • 1-9 = Civilian
  • 10-19 = Knight
  • 20-29 = Baronet
  • 30-39 = Baron
  • 40-49 = Viscount
  • 50-59 = Earl
  • 60-69 = Marquis
  • 70-79 = Duke
  • 80-89 = Furtisin
  • 90-99 = Prinzessin

Lvl LowLvl HighNo. of Medals

All levels from 131 and up require nation medals, and they increase by 1 medal per 10 levels. The simpler formula then becomes ((HeroLevelRoundUpNearest10) /10 (levels per increment)) - 5 (ie. the base levels)

Hero Level 165 requires = (170/10)-5 =12 Nation Medals (or simply remove one zero, minus 5 haha)
Hero Level 183 requires = (190/10)-5 =14 Nation Medals
Hero Level 218 requires = (220/10)-5 =17 Nation medals

More updated info here: http://bbs.evony.com/showthread.php?t=112867

Evony: Cavs, Balista, Rams, Catapults... good or bad??

Did you say Cavs?

Are you a Battering Ram's fan??

More Battering Rams

or Archer fans?? BOOM goes all machines.

Evony: Converting NPC 10 to Cities

This is a very simply, very brief guide for anyone confused about what to do with an L10 NPC they have just acquired.

OK, you've got your L10, and now you are about to start tearing it apart to build barracks. Before you start, let's look at the buildings inside an L10 NPC town:

Evony game: Converting NPC 10 to Cities

Before you start demolishing anything, note the three buildings I have marked - the Forge, the Stable and the Workshop.
DO NOT demolish the Forge until you have researched Military Science to Level 10.
DO NOT demolish the Stable until you have researched Horseback Riding to Level 10.
DO NOT demolish the Workshop until you have researched Metal Casting to Level 10.

You only need an Inn in 1 of your cities. Some people prefer to keep their inn at L10, some prefer to knock it back down to L3 or 4. Whatever you decide, remember that having more than 1 Inn is a waste.

Some people demolish the Marketplace also. Personally, I prefer to have a marketplace in every city, just in case I have to buy or sell something in a hurry.


Assuming you have researched everything to Level 10, you will demolish the "unneeded" infrastructure buildings and some of the cottages, and in their place build barracks. It will take a while to knock all the unwanted stuff down and then build barracks, but the end result is worth it. For reference, you'll end up with a city that looks much like this:

Evony game: Converting NPC 10 to Cities

How many cottages you will demolish and replace with barracks is a matter of personal preference. The above city with 11 barracks is what I have found "optimal" for an "Iron City". If the city is a "Wood City", I usually have 14 barracks. For some reason you need more people to mine Iron than you do to harvest Lumber; Don't ask me why - that's just how the game is!

Now, for the resource fields. Here's one of my Iron Cities:

Evony game: Converting NPC 10 to Cities

You will note that I have NO STONE QUARRY. They are a complete waste of space - Stone is so cheap to buy, you are better off selling a little wood or iron, and buying whatever Stone you need. In fact, I recommend spending "excess" gold to buy Stone - simply because having a huge pile of stone means that if anyone pillages you, what they take is mostly stone! This works MUCH better than Warehouses!!!

You will also note that I have left the single L10 Sawmill. The reason is simple - if you use up ALL of your wood, then you don't have to immediately cart more across from another city. The same principle applies to a Wood city - Leave the single L10 Iron Mine.

I also leave 10 x L10 Farms. Generally, this is too little to support your army, however it does reduce the negative for food by about 180K per hour. Also, by having some farms, you'll never lose ALL your troops to starvation if for some reason you don't get on to go farming NPC's or whatever. However, some people remove all the farms and just have mines - it's more a matter of personal preference.

What IS important is that you ensure that one resource is "specialised". This makes optimal use of the Valley Bonuses! For example, in this city, I have 10 x L10 Hills giving me an additional 300K iron PER HOUR. This is THE MOST EFFICIENT way to gather Iron and Wood - simply set up two cities "near" each other - one as an Iron City, one as a Wood City. Move the required resources from one city to another (i.e. Wood to the Iron city and Iron to the Wood city) and you'll have more than enough to build the army of your dreams!

1 other thing I should mention - keep around 2000 transports "free" in each city for moving stuff around. Nothing is more frustrating than having to wait for transports to return in order to ship resources from one city to another.

There you have it. I hope this helps!
(a Guide by Alderic)

Evony: Attacking NPC 10 (Farming) (90k max)

DoubleD's Try on NPC 10,
- 90k max troops (was on Rally 9)
- with transports

DoubleD's Try on NPC 10,
- 90k max troops (was on Rally 9)
- No transports

Evony: Attacking NPC 10 (Farming)

If you're looking to Take over a NPC 10, you may want to see :Evony: Guide to taking a NPC 10

All you need to do is ::
1, scout lv 5 or lower hero
(keep scouting and scouting until u find one)

2, use a standard troops combo until ur hero is Attack 175+
(1k warrior pike sword 95k archer 2k trans)

Recent try on NPC 10,
- No special items were used
- 100k max troops (was on Rally 10)
- 210 Attack hero
- All researches Lv10

Attack 1

Attack 2

Attack 3

- Added Balistas
Added Balistas for npc 10

- Same as above and - Added Cavs

Added Cavs for npc 10

- Same as above and - Added Cavs & Ballista both
Added Cavs & Ballista for npc 10

- Similar as above and - Added Scouts
Added Scouts for npc 10

A friends try on NPC 10,
- No special items were used
- 100k max troops (was on Rally 10)
- around 280? Attack hero

Added Scouts for npc 10

If you're looking to Take over a NPC 10, you may want to see :Evony: Guide to taking a NPC 10

Evony: Guide to taking-over a NPC 10

Note, I didn't use aNY items, so my losses were greater then normal (obviously) but i don't mind.
But you can use the Increase Attack/ Defence items or War Ensign to send more (+25%) troops

Make sure your City has Lv 9 Rally, Feast Hall, Academy,
(to send max waves,
to hold max heros to support the waves,
and to max your Academy researches.. if you don't have academy.. your everything for THAT city is zero research lol)

Move all your ATTACK Hero's to the city you gona attk NPC from,
(First Box has all my Attack heros)

Better to have 200k + archers. (I had about 250k when i started)
The more 90 or more Attk Heros u have the Lesser losses. (8 heros of mine were 90+... yes that means all of my heros were 90+ lol)

1 - Find a hero of level 5 or lower!! (Delete old report & Scout again)

2 - So I sent 1k of those troops wicked mention, and few of others( since i had, so sent them to do some work instead of fooling around!!) with my Highest ATTACK hero, which was 140

3 - After the First attk, HEAL HEAL HEAL your troops in the Rally Spot - Medic Camp.
And send your next wave to reach 30 seconds after the first. (MAKE SURE YOUR 2ND WAVE DOESNT REACH BEFORE THE MAIN WAVE.. OR YOUR TROOPS WILL GET A NICE BEATING.)

4 - After these main attacks, i sent 25k archer waves with 100 of troops faster then archer..(so the waves are quickest.. NEED to send archers.. so nothing slower then that)

After many of these waves one after another in 30 secs - 1min MAX, you should be getting little losses now.. and remember to keep healing... and maybe upgrade ur heros if u hav time between the waves.

Good Luck~
Hope the screenshots helped

Another guide for NPC 10,

Evony: Medal farming with Archers

Cross Medals:
  1. Attack any level 1 valley with 50 archers.
  2. Attack any level 2 valley with 100 archers.

Rose Medals:
  1. Attack any level 3 valley with 200 archers.
  2. Attack (lv1-3 valleys) with 10,000 scouts continuously. Attack + Own the Valley+ Abandon the valley (it will refill within seconds after you abandon)
  3. Attack any level 2 valley with 100 archers.
  4. Attack any level 1 valley with 50 archers.
  5. Attack any level 4 valley with 400 archers.
  6. Attack any level 1 NPC with 50 ballistae.

Lion Medals:
  1. Attack any level 3 NPC with 150-300 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
  2. Attack any level 4 valley with 400 archers.
  3. Attack any level 3 valley with 200 archers.
  4. Attack any level 2 NPC with 125-200 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
  5. Attack any level 5 valley with 750 archers.

Honor Medals:
  1. Attack any level 4 NPC with 250-400 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
  2. Attack any level 3 NPC with 250-300 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
  3. Attack any level 6 valley with at least 1,500 archers.
  4. Attack any level 5 valley with at least 750 archers.
  5. Attack any level 2 NPC with 125-200 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).

Courage Medals:
  1. Attack any level 5 NPC with 400-500 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
  2. Attack any level 4 NPC with 300-400 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
  3. Attack any level 7 valley with at least 3,000 archers.
  4. Attack any level 6 valley with at least 1,500 archers.
  5. Attack any level 3 NPC with 250-300 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).

Wisdom Medals:
  1. Attack any level 5 NPC with 400-500 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level)
  2. Attack any level 7 valley with at least 3,000 archers.
  3. Attack any level 8 valley with at least 7,500 archers.
  4. Attack any level 6 valley with at least 1,500 archers.

Freedom Medals:
  1. Attack any level 5 NPC with 400-500 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
  2. Attack any level 8 valley with at least 7,500 archers.
  3. Attack any level 7 valley with at least 3,000 archers.

Nation Medals:
  • Attack any level 10 NPC with eh (Evony: Guide to taking a NPC 10) Big wave to clear the defenses.
  • Send secondary waves consisting of 1,000 warrior 100 scout 100 pike 100 sword 40k archers SIX MINUTES apart.
  • The key to getting the medals to drop is to allow the warriors to partially re-generate. (If you send your waves at 6 minutes apart, the city will re-generate 40k warriors. )
  • If you have a lvl 10 close enough, you will never need to clear defenses again. Just keep sending secondary waves on a loop, 6 minutes apart.

Justice Medals:
  • Attack any level 10 NPC with eh (Evony: Guide to taking a NPC 10) Big wave to clear the defenses.
  • Send secondary waves consisting of 1,000 warrior 100 scout 100 pike 100 sword 40k archers SIX MINUTES apart.
  • The key to getting the medals to drop is to allow the warriors to partially re-generate. (If you send your waves at 6 minutes apart, the city willre-generate 40k warriors. )
  • If you have a lvl 10 close enough, you will never need to clear defenses again. Just keep sending secondary waves on a loop, 6 minutes apart.
  • (May try sending in 12 minutes loop if 6 minutes doesn't work, but that will have 80k warriors regenerated, so need to send bigger attack)

Evony: Incomplete Scout Reports; Few, Lots, Zounds, etc

  • Few: 1 - 24
  • Pack: 25 - 49
  • Lots: 50 - 99
  • Horde: 100 - 249
  • Throng: 250 - 499
  • Swarm: 500 - 999
  • Zounds: 1000 - 2499
  • Legion: 2500 - 4999
  • Bulk: 5000 - 10000
  • Giga: >10000
(Guide by Cymro)